Prebulged Rutpure Disc

Economical and Dependable Safety Relief when used with Universal Safety Heads to 110,000 psi (7584 bar).


Parker Autoclave Engineers offers three styles of rupture discs to allow maximum flow at pressures. Rupture discs are available in different materials and burst ratings as specials.


  • Available in three styles, 3/16"F, 1/4"A, and 1/2"F

  • Standard material is Inconel

  • Pressure ranges from 485 psi (33 bar) to 75,260 psi (5189 bar)

  • Special discs to 110,000 psi (7584 bar)

  • Optional materials available

  • Optional burst ratings and burst tolerances available


Rupture discs are used in Autoclave safety heads assemblies as an economical replaceable relief device to guard against system over-pressure. Rupture discs ease of replacement and the customers ability to change discs as needed for system pressure variations make these an excellent choice.

Prebulged Rutpure Disc